Monday, September 13, 2010

Government acts to stop gardens being grabbed by developers

Jill Sherman, Whitehall Editor & ,}

Measures to stop grassed area grabbing by skill developers are to be voiced today after flourishing regard about high-density housing, The Times has learnt.

Eric Pickles, the Communities Secretary, will divulge new regulations to stop developers concreting over thousands of gardens. Developers infrequently buy up one family residence and gardens and set up flats or 3 homes on the same site. Residents have small success in restraint these developments since of the direct for amicable and in isolation housing.

Private gardens are mostly the main victims of denser growth in city and suburban areas as authorities come underneath vigour to set up new homes. In future residential gardens will not be personal as brownfield land or land that has already been built on that has done it formidable for councils to exclude developments.

Greg Clark, the Planning Minister, will additionally have known the extermination of smallest targets for the volume of housing in a since area, that has contributed to a mushrooming of homes. Under stream prerequisites at slightest thirty homes need to be built on each hectare of grown land, creation it formidable for large-scale developers to get formulation accede for bigger homes and gardens.

The manners state that at slightest twenty-five per cent of homes in new oppulance housing developments contingency be affordable with due developments mostly unwell to get capitulation unless a retard of bill flats is added.

Campaigners contend the extermination of the firmness targets will finish cluttering, ill-thought-out high rises and homes that are as well small. Some planners have warned, however, that the total decisions will lead to some-more growth on greenfield land, that has never been built on. The Planning Officers Society has said: If the grassed area grabbing out, afterwards it might be panorama grabbing in. In the past five years 180,000 homes have been built on gardens and land already containing a property.

A consult commissioned by the Communities Department progressing this year showed that grassed area grabbing is an issue for some-more than 40 per cent of councils but is strong in comparatively couple of areas together with the South East, London and the West Midlands.

Garden developments are majority usual in areas where residence prices are in between 150,000 and 300,000, the consult found. However, there is most less land grabbing at the tip finish of the marketplace where homes, mostly with large gardens exceed 500,000 or where residence prices are underneath 150,000.

John Healey, the former Housing Minister, warned councils progressing this year not to automatically creed in foster of land grabs and betrothed firmer planning superintendence to have transparent that formerly grown land was not always befitting for development.

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