Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Starved baby died whilst in caring of doctors and amicable workers

Laura Pitel & , : {}

A baby boy died after being starved for days while under the care of at least nine doctors, social workers and health visitors, it emerged yesterday.

The emaciated body of the ten-month-old boy was found in his family flat in northwest London, on March 8.

His mother, 29, was arrested on suspicion of child neglect but died two days later. She was HIV-positive and her death was thought to be the result of a rare brain condition linked to her illness.

A post-mortem examination was carried out on the boy this month but the cause of his death has not yet been established, Scotland Yard said.

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But an internal review by Central and North West London NHS Foundation, which was leaked to a national newspaper, said: Post-mortem results on the infant showed that he had no food in his gut at all and so had not eaten for several days at least. However, there is evidence of a long period of malnourishment.

A serious case review has been launched into the circumstances surrounding his death.

The boy, who was said to have had developmental difficulties, a serious underlying health condition and a history of being underweight, was reported to have been seen at least 15 times by care professionals in the six months before he died.

The agencies involved were thought to be Westminster City Council social services, two health trusts and a consortium of London boroughs providing health visitors. Westminster council said that the baby boy and his older sister were not on its child protection register.

Michael OConnor, Westminster Councils strategic director for children and young people, said: They were under the care of the health service and social services were working closely with health professionals to help support them.

Neither of the children were on the child protection register and there is no suggestion that they were at risk of harm from neglect or abuse.

The boys mother was rehoused in London in September after claiming that she had been assaulted by the childrens father, The Daily Mail reported.

The woman, for whom English was not her first language, was said to have avoided contact with care workers by claiming that using an interpreter to question her would have led to her HIV-positive status becoming known.

Nickie Aiken, Westminsters Cabinet member for children and young people, said: I have been assured by my officers that there was no reported risk of abuse or neglect in this case. But I want to know why this child was being seen by nine NHS professionals and why things were not flagged up earlier.

Terry Bamford, chairman of Westminster Local Safeguarding Children Board, said: This is an extremely tragic case and our thoughts are with the surviving family members. A serious case review will now be conducted by somebody completely independent of all the agencies who had contact with the family.

When we have investigated the full circumstances that led to the babys death, we will be able to determine if anything could have been done to help prevent it. The review will make recommendations if any changes in policies and procedures are necessary.

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